Trackwork for 03 May 2024
Outer Sand
600 M
3Y Crown Angel (RB) 43.5 400/29 Worked well.
  Turf Beauty (Farid Ansari) 44 400/29 Moved well.
  Regent Prince (Kuldeep Singh) 42.5 400/28.5 Latter finished 2 lengths in front.
Dakshin Vijay (Farid Ansari)
800 M
  Mon General (K.V. Bhaskar) 1-0 600/41.5 400/27 Moved on the bit.
Empress Eternal (Kuldeep Singh) 59 600/44 400/29.5 Moved well.
  Wilbur (K.V. Bhaskar) 55 600/40 400/27.5 Unextended.
  First Missile (Surya Prakash) 57 600/43 400/29.5 Moved well.
  Royal Nobility (Farid Ansari) 57 600/41 400/27 Moved fluently.
3Y Val D'aran (C. Umesh) 54.5 600/40 400/26.5 Retains form.
3Y Go For The Moon (Hindu Singh) 55.5 600/41.5 400/28 Moved fluently.
3Y Vinalia (Hindu Singh) 57 600/42.5 400/28 Both moved fluently.
  Sweet Legacy (P. Vikram)  
3Y Grey Wind (M. Bhaskar) 57.5 600/40.5 400/26 Former started2 lengths behind & finished level.
  Sonic Dash (S. Imran)  
3Y Royal Defender (C.A. Brisson) 55 600/39.5 400/26.5 Both moved impressively.
  Dark Son (R.S. Jodha)