Trackwork for 28 Nov 2022
Outer Sand
600 M
First Empress (Shyam Kumar) 600/37.5 Speedy display.
2Y TDH (Inderjeet) 600/41 Good.
Fun Storm (Farid Ansari) 600/39 Speedy display.
Lord of the Turf (Shyam Kumar) 600/38 Moved well.
Star Templar (Shyam Kumar)  600/36 Impressed.
Winraise(RB) 600/39 Moved well.
800 M
Spectacle (M.Bhaskar) 800/53 600/36.5 Moved impressively.
Dear Lady (Mudasar) 800/49.5 600/36.5 Impressed.
Star Romance (M.Bhaskar) 800/53 600/37 Impressed.
The Intimidator (RB) 800/53 600/39 Moved well.
Wonderful (M.Bhaskar) 800/52 600/39 Moved well.
Ganton (Mudasar) 800/53 600/39.5 Both moved well.
2Y Lionel (RB)
Star Lap (M.S. Deora) 800/52 600/37 Former started 1L behind and pushed to finish 2 L ahead.
Magic Moment (S. Kamble)
1000 M
Tobert (RB) 1000/1-7.5 800/54 600/38.5 Moved fluently.
Still I Rise(K.V. Bhaskar) 1000/1-3.5 800/50.5 600/36.5 Outstanding display.
Grey Beauty (RB) 1000/1-11.5 800/56.5 600/41 Moved well.
Treasure Delight (RB) 1000/1-3 800/51 600/40 Eased up in the last part.
Inner Sand 
600 M
Bohemian Star (Farid Ansari) 600/40 Speedy.
Prince of Windsor (RB) 600/44 Moved well.
Rule of Emperors (RB) 600/43 Good.
Fantastic Hit (RB) 600/43.5 Moved well.
Lady Luck (RB) 600/42 Worked well.
Race For The Stars (Rajendra Singh) 600/43 Worked well.
800 M
Empress Eternal (Rajendra Singh) 800/54 600/40 Moved well.
Timeless Romance (Farid Ansari) 800/54 600/42 Moved Fluently.
A Wink Annda Smile (Ashhad Asbar) 800/57 600/43 Both worked well.
I Want It All (Indrajeet )
1000 M
Sinatra (S.Kabdhar) 1000/1-12 800/58 600/44 Moved well.
Illustrious Ruler (Rajendra Singh) 1000/1-3.5 800/50 600/39 Impressed.
  Bohemian Grandeaur (Shyam Kumar) 1000/1-4.5 800/50.5 600/38 Moved impressively.
Inner Sand (Gate Practice)
1000 M
Magnetism (S.Imran) 1000/1-7 600/42 Both Jumped out well, former 6L ahead.
Sporting Spirit (Dharshan Anthony)
Dark Son (A.M.Alam) 1000/1-5.5 600/39 Both Jumped out well. Former 1L ahead.
Emperor Ashok (Inayat)
Cuban Pete (Ashhad Asbar) 1000/1-7.5 600/42.5 Both Jumped out well. Former 5L better.
2Y Felix (Inderjeet)
Walking Brave (Mudasar) 1000/1-9 600/43 Both Jumped out well. Former dist ahead.
2Y Asio (M.Bhaskar)
Royal Mayfair (Farid Ansari) 1000/1-7 600/41 Both jumped out well.. Former dist ahead.
Ascot Queen (Shyam Kumar)
2Y Something Royal (P.S.Kaviraj) 1000/1-6 600/41.5 All Jumped out well. 5L & 5L seperated them.
Memory Lane (S.A.Amit)
Larado (S. Kamble) 
2Y Win Legend / Missoni (S.Imran) 1000/1-4.5 600/39.5  Both Jumped out well. Nk seperated them.
Fiat Justitia (Dharshan Antony)
Demerara (RB) 1000/1-7 600/38.5  Both jumped out well. Former finished well ahead.
Hebron (RB)
War Emblem (Manikandan) 1000/1-7 600/41 All Jumped out well. Nk & 3L seperated them.
2Y Swarga (A.M.Alam)
2Y Happiness (Inayat)
2Y Kingda Ka / Looming (Inderjeet) 1000/1-11 600/43 Both Jumped out well. Nk seperated them.
2Y Mary's Boy Child (Ashhad Asbar)
Sir Baffert (RB) 1000/1-6.5 600/39 1st named slowly off & covered ground to finish 4L ahead
Durango (Dashrath Singh) of 2nd & 3rd name
Mistify (S.Imran)